0, BioWare introduced extremely powerful new. 1. Interpreter’s Retreat Hidden Achievements Guide; Voss Interpreter’s Retreat Guide; 7. by Endonae. 3 - Shrine of Silence News; Patch Notes Update 7. It’s really hard to justify using the purple 286 augments unless you or your group really needs that small stat increase to slightly boost your numbers. SWTOR 6. Almost everyone should get this. 1, Bioware has added Level 80 Item Modifications for select Item Rating Tiers. New Superior 77 Augments in SWTOR Guide. I've endeavored to find guides that are up to date or as close as I could find for 2023. It’s really hard to justify using the purple 286 augments unless you or your group really needs that small stat increase to slightly boost your numbers. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. So anyway, here's how it goes:Find out which mods to purchase from Hyde and Zeek in SWTOR on the Fleet to minimize your spending and optimize your build. Almost everyone should get this tier of. Augments: Blue 276 augments ([Type] Augment 73 + Augmentation Kit Mk-11) Crystals: Advanced Eviscerating (+41 Critical)SWTOR Augments Guide. Open it by right-clicking on it. 1: Step 1 – Reach Level 80 and pick up the Legendary Implants quest. Thanks to the introduction of the Shard of Mortis tactical with 7. Considering that level scaling renders 2/3s of the stats from these augs useless, I don't see much point beyond proving to yourself that you can. you have an augmentation-kit you need to install on a gear item. 0 Sith Juggernaut VENGEANCE Guide for PvE. Find out which mods to purchase from Hyde and Zeek in SWTOR on the Fleet to minimize your spending and optimize your build. You can start playing Concentration at level 1. Your main ability requires you stand still while you use it, like a but you can choose to make it activate. We have a couple of new systems added in 7. Think of it like any socket-able in other games. 0 Guide (DPS, PvE) for both beginner players and more advanced and experienced veterans: builds, rotations, tips!. IMPORTANT: BioWare announced that thither will be no brand tier by augments because the launch of SWTOR 7. As of Game Update 4. 7k. These are overall best-in-slot (BiS) and will provide a noticeable DPS increase, but they are obscenely expensive. Things in 7. SWTOR EndGame Gearing Guide for 6. By Xam Xam / August 7, 2019 / 1 Comment. This article will cover all of the announced changes along with my analysis of the impact they’ll have on game balance. 0, players had a clear goal with gearing in mind - hit Item Rating 306. In Star Wars: The Old Republic there are a number of ways for you to improve your character's stats and gear. Reverse engineer either of those and you have a chance to get a purple pattern. Here is a guide on how to get access to them. x will see new augments once most folks are far enough along on the gear path and need something else to improve their stats and mix/max (to the extent players not engaged in Vet and MM R-4, which will be almost everyone, will still bother working on progressing their stats). Power Yield. But my major problem is I don't seem to. 0 and naturally, they are quite expensive as materials are still. Swtor augments guide everything need know vulkk stronghold augmenting prefer privacy gear while own place also if some Swtor best way to get augmentation slot component mk-10 Swtor crafting. Armoring and Mod is easy - all DPS are going to use Versatile Armoring and Lethal Mod (unlettered). 3 Class. Check DetailsHello dear new and returning players! Welcome, or welcome back to the game! I have compiled as many guides as I could find about the game in to one ultimate resource list for 2022. Alternatively, you can. It comes in +1, +2, and +5. It’s really hard to justify using the purple 286 augments unless you or your group really needs that small stat increase to slightly boost your numbers. If more PvP-related information gets revealed, I’ll update this article. Hello, I have very noob questions, maybe someone knows how: a) - to make (or find) and augmentation and then WHAT to do with it - )really - like "CTRL + key" to ADD that augment into the saber? b). Datacrons are hidden objects in Star Wars: The Old Republic that you can find to earn a permanent boost for your characters. This list contains preview, overview and analysis articles of the most notable changes coming to SWTOR with the release of the 7. Gold 300 augments (Superior [Type] Augment 77 + Augmentation Kit 11). 0. Slicing. Schematic source The. The dedicated guide contains tips for all roles in both PvE and PvP. Last I saw, gold Augs were around 2b per Aug on SF. 2 update. Check Details. Augment slots are a special, extra slot on equip able gear. 0 version first and then the 7. 0 Legacy of the Sith expansion. 6. An augment is an item modification and can be applied to an augment slot. Abilities Explained. Is here is into in-depth overview the what the Augments live, how they work, what product are available, how to craft them and enigma it’s important to Augment your gear!. SWTOR Cybertech Crafting Guide. The new ability in 6. • 6 yr. For a better overview check out the Augments in SWTOR Guide. Individual Pieces. Individual Pieces. The Energize effect can stack twice, with each stack increasing Telekinetic Blitz damage by 30%. 3. 0 Class Guides for PvE and PvP for the Legacy of the Sith Expansion, ordered by Combat Style and Discipline! In SWTOR 7. Almost everyone should get this tier of. These are the brand new augments that were released in 6. Ashley Ruhl (Narrative Director) and Caitlin Sullivan Kelly (Lead Writer), talk about the new story you can see in 7. 5. 227K subscribers in the swtor community. This guide will cover the entire endgame gearing process from the perspective of someone who just hit level 80 based on the state of endgame gearing in 7. Gear -. Artifice is a great skill to choose if you have a force-using character, or if you want dyes and crystals, either to use for yourself, or to sell to other players for credits. SWTOR Guides category is a Collection of Written Guides and Tutorials about the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, made. Learn everything you need to know about. 4. Swtor Best Way To Get Augmentation Slot Component Mk-100. Each augment has a rarity (silver, gold, or prismatic). ( repeatable once per day, per legacy) – SUPER EASY! First Utility at level 11, press K on your keyboard then the RESET button and pick a new utility. Craft the purple. 1. Below is a detailed breakdown: Grade 1: Level 10-16: 0-80. - augments (better add stat for your char)) If you do the. This PTS update contains potential combat. 0 set bonuses are going away and instead we’re getting Legendary Items, which basically just put set bonus effects on your implants. 0 Legacy of the Sith BioWare renamed the Advanced Classes into Combat Styles. Each stack gives you 2% extra damage and 40% extra armor. 3 - Shrine of Silence News; Patch Notes Update 7. 15% Alacrity —. Blue 276 augments ([Type] Augment 73 + Augmentation Kit Mk-11) provide about 88% of the benefit for about 6% of the cost of the purple 286 augments. This crafting material is used in the construction of Augmentation Kit MK-1. This guide includes some basic recommendations for gearing targets in endgame content. The first step in this leveling guide is to gather the metals you need. This ability was called Enrage in 6. 15% Alacrity —. SWTOR Innovative Ordnance PvP Guide for 6. Individual Pieces. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. 3 / 7. e. 3 Endgame Gearing Guide. I do however now have a volunteer and new toolset to help add guides from the past year and to help as more come out with the Legacy of the Sith expansion. If you look for the critical augments available on the gtn, you'll find some really huge price differences for a small gain in crit. INTRO. A SWTOR Gunnery Commando 6. Cover for Star Wars Insider magazine issue #207, coming in December 2021. Items created by reverse-engineered. Star Wars: The Old Republic has 6 different crafting skills you can choose from: Armormech, Synthweaving, Armstech, Artifice, Cybertech and Biochem. For the most part, each "Mark" level is good for 4 "Ranks" of augments, and each "Rank" of augment has a level requirement 2 levels higher than the previous rank. Remember that there used to be a bug when reverse engineering stacks of crafted items. A SWTOR Augments Guide into help you learning what Expands am, how to craft theirs and why Augmenting our gear is important for your character! It are no new Augments discharged in SWTORR 7. Purple 286 augments (Advanced [type] Augment 74 + Augmentation Kit MK-11) are one step lower, however they are incredibly expensive, so I would only recommend getting them for your. Grade 2: Level 16-24: 80-160. The system of adding augment slots to gear in SWTOR underwent a radical transformation in patch 1. The Latest. I've endeavored to find guides that are up to date or as close as I could find for 2023. In this video, we’ll be going over how to start Cybertech crafting, how to level up your Cybertech crew skill and unlock more crafting schematics, and lastly, we. Legacy of the Sith 7. With a new expansion coming to SWTOR comes yet another revision to gearing our characters. One of the major letdowns with Game Update 7. )Matrix Cube Guide; Swtor Vanity Pets; Tips & Tricks; Character Statistics in SWTOR; Swtor PvP Stats; How to get and upgrade your Starship; Swtor in-combat resurrection;. 0 EndGame Gear Calculator for Level 75. 1 is currently set to release on. 0 introduced 242 main gear and 228 augments, then with the Umbara FP we got 236 and 240 augments and somewhere around that time we got 248 main gear. 6% faster ability activations, so our energy generation needs to increase by that proportion. The dedicated guide contains tips for all roles in both PvE and PvP. Its developed by a team of SWTOR players, co-founded by. Crew skills, augments, crafting in general. Combat is the burst DPS spec for Sentinels, and its burst is devastatingly and reliably concentrated. 0 + Guide (DPS, PvE) for both beginner players and more advanced and experienced veterans: builds, rotations, tips. If you’re looking for a cheap modifiable set of armor. YamSwtor •. 1a. Watch Video. 1, including a detailed breakdown of the new tiers of gear, and how and where to get them! Please visit the new Complete Guide to Endgame Gearing in SWTOR. The game update is titled “Chains in the Dark” and will introduce a new daily area on Ord Mantell, a GTN revamp, gearing changes, lightning and shadow tech improvements, and new dyes and coloring options available in the Cartel Market! SWTOR Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint Guide by Endonae. Blue 276 augments ([Type] Augment 73 + Augmentation Kit Mk-11) provide about 88% of the benefit for about 6% of the cost of the purple 286 augments. Step 3 – Purchase a basic set of green 324 Conquest Gear with your Conquest Commendations. Blue 276 augments ([Type] Augment 73 + Augmentation Kit Mk-11) provide about 88% of the benefit for about 6% of the cost of the purple 286 augments. com -. Slicing – Slicing is the art of accessing secure. for 11th level slot comp. 0 since there won’t be a new tier of crafting,. Expansion Combat Styles FAQ. Swtor augment slot guide. 2021. 0. Alright new player here, currently level 46 on my second SI and am trying to find other ways to level up I've mainly being Flashpoints but wanted to know what more experienced players have to say. Either way, your focus is going to be on belts first and gauntlets second. Players who want the best-of-the-best will want to work on min-maxing their gear, and getting the best stat distribution they can. The Level Sync system was intended to allow players with gear from 318 through 326 to compete and upgrade their gear, while synching down players with higher gear (such as 330 gear) to the ceiling of 326. Blue 276 augments ([Type] Augment 73 + Augmentation Kit Mk-11) provide about 88% of the benefit for about 6% of the cost of the purple 286 augments. . Combat Medic 6. . 8k. They are available to low level players, but aren’t really worth it, and are more recommended for level 75 players who are working on the hardest content in the game including Ranked PvP and Master Mode operations. Solid Resource Matrix – Crafting material worth a LOT, used to craft level 75 armor and augments; Guild Rewards – Small Yield. Updated September 9, 2023. Scavengers can send their companions on missions to gather resources. In this guide I intend to cover the. SWTOR KOTOR Armors & Outfits. In Star Wars: The Old Republic there are a number of ways for you to improve your character's stats and gear. April 6, 2022. 0 PTS right now. A SWTOR Augments Tour to help you learn what Augments have, how to craft the and why Augmenting your gear is important for your character! The how is up-to-date for Spell 7. If you look for the critical augments available on the gtn, you'll find some really huge price differences for a small gain in crit. Components are acquired by Reverse Engineering any item that can be crit-crafted to add an augment slot. Find out which mods to purchase from Hyde and Zeek in SWTOR on the Fleet to minimize your spending and optimize your build. Now they add more to the list of improvements and rebalancing of how you can get your. 4% alacrity (healers), 60% Absorption (tanks). Carnage is the burst DPS spec for Marauders, and its burst is devastatingly and reliably concentrated. 1. Game Update 7. What’s on SWTOR 7. If you are new, I recommend you to read the 7. Augments: Blue 276 augments ([Type] Augment 73 + Augmentation Kit Mk-11) Crystals: Advanced Eviscerating (+41 Critical) SWTOR 7. For beginners and more advanced players! Tailored towards PvE at level 75. Conquests are a way of completing rotating weekly objectives in Star Wars: The Old Republic to earn some great rewards by playing different parts of the game. SWTOR Cybertech Crafting Guide. The augments will be extremely expensive if you choose to buy them from other players, and they require materials that can only be earned. 3. augments are working a bit different, than the other gearing. Combat Styles is the new reworked class system introduced to Star Wars The Old Republic in Game Update 7. Gold 300 augments (Superior [Type] Augment 77 + Augmentation Kit 11). Annihilation Marauder Guide for SWTOR 6. Within a game update, a player can regularly work toward getting stronger and know that more power is on the horizon. These are overall best-in-slot (BiS) and will provide a noticeable DPS increase, but they are obscenely expensive. Almost everyone should get this. In this video, we’ll be going over how to…. Commanding Lightsaber Ranked PvP (introduced Season 8) Consular's Lightsaber (main hand) Custom-built Lightsaber Artifice Crafting lvl 100. New Superior 77 Augments in SWTOR Guide. It does not surprise me that they specifically mentioned group pvp. Bodyguard Mercenary 6. 3. Augment Kits require 10 Augment Slot Components of the appropriate MK-#. 0 Onslaught Pyrotech Powertech Guide for PvE, suitable for beginner players as well as more experienced veterans who seek to learn how to improve their performance! Includes an introduction to the class, gearing and stats info, abillities descriptions and how to best use them, rotation. . 3 Endgame Gearing Guide. the augment-kit can't be removed! the augment can (by paying a fee). How to play a Concentration Sentinel. Augments. It’s really hard to justify using the purple 286 augments unless you or your group really needs that small stat increase to slightly boost your numbers. Individual Pieces. Depending on what type of armor you prefer to build, you’re going. 0 Virulence Sniper PvE Guide by Kyranar; How is the Class and Spec changing with SWTOR 7. They do still require the MK-11 kits, but it’s really hard to justify using the 286 augments unless you or your group really needs that small stat increase to slightly boost your numbers. Though the progression breaks down at the highest (and lowest) ranks/levels. Vulkk. The dedicated guide contains tips for all roles in both PvE and PvP. This guide remains up-to-date with Legacy of the Sith! IMPORTANT: BioWare announced that there will be no new tier for extends with the launch of SWTOR 7. It takes 4 stacks for Durasteel Armor to make Ion Wave free and 3 stacks for Plasma Flare. ru Новости SWTOR Check Details GEAR AUGMENT GUIDE Mortal Kombat 11 How & What Augments To Use MK11 Gear. Almost everyone should buy the blue 276 augments because they provide the greatest bang for the buck. 0, BioWare introduced extremely. SWTOR Conquest Guide Swtorista | March 1, 2021. so a level 208 augment costs just a small bit of the. Distance: Long Range. Now that you are at the EndGame, it is time to expand your knowledge about the many approaches and methods at your disposal while you gear up your first (and any others) character at level 75. Augment choices – At stages 1-4, 3-3, and 4-6 (in : 3-1, 5-2, and 7-2), the player is offered three choices of augments. Augments: Blue 276 augments ([Type] Augment 73 + Augmentation Kit Mk-11) Crystals: Advanced Eviscerating (+41 Critical) Find out which mods to purchase from Hyde and Zeek in SWTOR on the Fleet to minimize your spending and optimize your build. Almost everyone should get this. 1. It's kinda fun. If you’re a level 80 players in Star Wars: The Old republic, you’ll want to look in to gearing up your character. This guide gets updated when BioWare introduces any. ago. tv/swtorista. Augments are a way of adding additional stats to your armor in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Zero up front investment and it's easy profit. 0 launches this 'holiday season'. getting them as drops from mobs, mission rewards, etc. Legacy of the Sith Expansion FAQ. This guide is a preliminary effort to summarize relevant data to gearing in the 7. I have compiled as many guides as I could find about the game in to one ultimate resource list - there are currently 2,803 links in the list of guides, up from 2,463 from last year! I've endeavored to find guides that are up to date or as close as I could. SWTOR Armstech Crafting Guide. Make a bunch of 330 gear. These lore outfits. Changes to Augment Slots in Patch 1. The Old Wounds storyline is going to take you back to the planet of Voss, in a whole new area called the Interpreter’s Retreat with a series of missions and a new Flashpoint called Shrine of Silence. You will need a total of 15 pieces of gear at level 80:A Tactical item, which costs Tech FragmentsTwo Legendary Implants, which costs Tech Fragments14 gear p. It's strange that the developers see low numbers of ranked pvp players and think to themselves "there must not be enough incentives!" When in reality it's because the game is horribly unbalanced and unfun in that context. 3. Here is a guide on how to get access to them. 0 content update in SWTOR. Find out which mods to purchase from Hyde and Zeek in SWTOR on the Fleet to minimize your spending and optimize your build. Screenshots of all the Lightsabers in SWTOR and how to get them. I've seen a lot of mistakes in people's gear as they work on getting into the new level 80 gear and join hard content such as master mode flashpoints and vet. 4 brings New tier of Augments by Vulkk | Updated December 7, 2020 SWTOR design director Chris Schmidt dropped a very controversial bomb on the forums announcing a brand new tier of. If you are looking for something specific, use the SEARCH function. In this video, we’ll be going over how to start artifice crafting, how to level up your Artifice crew skill and unlock more crafting schematics, and lastly, we’ll. 3. To start playing Focus, you will need to first create a Guardian character, which can be played by Jedi Knights and Jedi Consulars (or even the Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor if you unlock the dark-side Combat Styles. Also included in this guide is a recommended Stat Section. 2 on December 9th, 2020. 0 content update in SWTOR. I'm almost at the point I can start throwing augments into my gear and when I was looking them up on the GTN prices are pretty steep so I am hoping to make my own and then start making some credits off them. 0 + Guide (DPS, PvE) for both beginner players and more advanced and experienced veterans: builds, rotations, tips. 0 SWTOR Healing Guide. Note that the materials for purple and gold augments are almost identical except that where the purple versions require 5 Legendary Embers, the gold requires a CM-1337 instead, which is the special mat that Cybertechs make out of 5 OEM-37 and 5 RPM-13 plus 5 Legendary Embers. 0 Expansion launches on February 15, 2022!9 Pick A PvE Server. An in-depth SWTOR 6. It’s really hard to justify using the purple 286 augments unless you or your group really needs that small stat increase to slightly boost your numbers. Level 1 Metals and Compounds. This Guide is for Beginner players and, perhaps, some returning veterans who want to catch up with what has changed and how. Gold 300 augments (Superior [type] Augment 77 + Augmentation Kit 11). Augments: Blue 276 augments ([Type] Augment 73 + Augmentation Kit Mk-11) Crystals: Advanced Eviscerating (+41 Critical)Skip the grind with this 7. Individual Pieces. 1a Table of Contents: Introduction to Vengeance Juggernaut Abilities Explained Ability Tree Choices Gearing and Stats Priorities Updated October 1, 2023 SWTOR Focus Guardian PvE Guide (DPS) for beginners and more experienced veterans: Skills, Choices, Rotations, Gearing, Builds, Tips! The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7. This should bring you to around 3449 critical rating. The Carnage Discipline is the 2nd of 3 available paths for the Jedi Marauder Class. 0 The Legacy of the Sith Expansion!BioWare brought the SWTOR 7. 0 which is extremely outdated. SWTOR. Changes to Augment Slots in Patch 1. . Crafting at Level 75 in Onslaught Guide. Armormech at level 600 after you purchase the unlock to get to 700 allows you to instantly craft item-rating 268 non-modifiable armor, an item-rating 274 tank armoring, and at 680 allows you to craft augment kits, and the blue Alacrity and Absorb item-rating 276 augments. It’s really hard to justify using the purple 286 augments unless you or your group really needs that small stat increase to slightly boost your numbers. This will unlock blue 336 mods. 4 Released November 15, 2023. 4% alacrity (healers), 60% Absorption (tanks). Characters are server-locked and there is no way for people to interact with other players. Legendary Embers, which have a small chance to drop from rich crafting missions, and a high chance to drop from the special one-time wealthy crafting missions from datapads. Augment choices. BioWare has made loads of gearing changes over the course of SWTOR 7. You will lose the augment slots on accessories and legendary implants (if they are upgradable). Durasteel Armor also received a new effect in 7. By Xam Xam / May 20, 2022 / 2 Comments. ADENINE SWTOR Augmented Leaders to help you learn how Augments are, instructions to craft theirs and why Augmenting your gear is important for your character! SWTOR. SWTOR Reverse Engineering Guide (Updated) by Slaign Table of Contents Known Issues The Two Paths Linear Reverse Engineering Prefix Reverse Engineering Critical. Individual Pieces. The Ultimate Guide of Guides for SWTOR. This guide below is no longer being updated. 4. I wouldnt say that the augments are useless. 3. Your options as a Sharpshooter Gunslinger for the Level 27 choice are Flourish Burst, Below the Belt, and Dodge Stance. To start playing Vigilance, you will need to first create a Guardian character, which can be played by Jedi Knights and Jedi Consulars (or even the Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor if you unlock the dark-side Combat Styles. However, if you are under IR 306, just forget about all that. – Cybertech is the skill to assemble droid armor, earpieces, grenades, armoring, mods and miscellaneous gadgets. Be sure to pull out your augments before upgrading to avoid losing them. 2. png. Blue 276 augments ([Type] Augment 73 + Augmentation Kit Mk-11) provide about 88% of the benefit for about 6% of the cost of the purple 286 augments. 1 Commando Combat Medic Combat. are important stat thresholds to obtain that are very easily obtained at item rating 306 with basic enhancements and augments: 110% Accuracy — 1590 stat points; 7. A while back I wrote a comprehensive Gearing Guide to help players understand how gearing works in SWTOR at endgame to optimize. A video explaining the best possible ways I've found to get to 336 with swtor's 7. They are m. New Grade 9 crafting components - Much like previous Grades, these will be used everywhere. 14 gear pieces with stats. - datacrons. A complete SWTOR Carnage Marauder Guide for Patch 6. You can start playing Gunnery at level 1. Critical in crafting means that you will either craft an additional item, or if you are making gear, it will come with an augment slot which you can fill with an augment. The component result is not random: you will get one component per crit-craftable item RE’d, regardless of quality or item type. The 300 augments it gives you the recipes but the mats are hard to come by. SWTOR Artifice Crafting Guide. 0+ explaining the Vertical and Horizontal progression and detailing how the process works at level cap! Please visit the new Complete Guide to Endgame Gearing in SWTOR. Posted October 31, 2019. Blue 276 augments ([Type] Augment 73 + Augmentation Kit Mk-11) provide about 88% of the benefit for about 6% of the cost of the purple 286 augments. Gearing in Legacy of the Sith is going to be more linear than previous expansions but a little slower than 6. 2. However, I probably wont rely on them and I certainly wont be mass producing them. 0 The Legacy from the Scout Expansion! I wanted in enlarge on the basics about the SWTOR Augments topic I touched briefly in my Ultimate SWTOR Absolute Guide: All You Need to Know. 3, we will be making some changes in an effort to reduce the complexity of Gear Progression in the Legacy of the Sith expansion. Augments can be crafted by the Armormech, Armstech, and Synthweaving Crew Skills. With the release of SWTOR Update 7. Augmentation Slot Component MK-1 is a Premium-quality Augmentation Slot Component. Step 2: Go to an Augmentation Station – Augmentation Stations can be found in most major cities in SWTOR. Augmentation Kit MK-1 is a player-created item. 4 Augment Crafting Guide - Mats & Stats. Blue 276 augments ([Type] Augment 73 + Augmentation Kit Mk-11) provide about 88% of the benefit for about 6% of the cost of the purple 286 augments. 3 Class. Ideal for all content: Advanced […] Augment 74 (rating 286) 144 Endurance; 144 Power; 108 Stat (Crit / Alacrity / Accuracy) A followup that comes very close on non lvl 75 content: Advanced […]. Absorb augments - Absorption Rating/Power Shield augments - Shield Rating/Power Versatile augments - Mastery/Endurance Accuracy augments - Accuracy Rating/Endurance Fortitude. 3. I took some time, did a little spreadsheeting, and thought that a guide ex. 1 PTS. This is a complete guide to the SWTOR Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint, released with Game Update 6. The dedicated guide contains tips for all roles in both PvE and PvP. 0 Guide: Everything You Need to Know; SWTOR 6. You will find everything you need in the new guide linked above. Blue 276 augments ([Type] Augment 73 + Augmentation Kit Mk-11) provide about 88% of the benefit for about 6% of the cost of the purple 286 augments. 3. Tactics Vanguard is a strong melee burst DPS class. These are going to be good for healers and DPS typically, but I find a balance between these and the secondary stat augments (typically Overkill and Critical) helps maximize the healing/burst damage for my toons. Augmentation Slot Component MK-1 can be obtained by reverse engineering Tier 1 crafted gear; any crafted equipment item that is reverse engineered will yield one. These stations allow you to add and remove augments from your gear. The dedicated guide contains tips for all roles in both PvE and PvP. SWTOR 6. 0 coins. There will still be some RNG to deal with, but there are various gearing paths to suit all playstyles. Includes Stats, Priorities, Utilities Builds, Abilities and Rotations, and Tips. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Blue 276 augments ([Type] Augment 73 + Augmentation Kit Mk-11) provide about 88% of the benefit for about 6% of the cost of the purple 286 augments. Updated July 1, 2023. Gearing (Naming is from 248 gear as an example of how the piece may be named regardless of rating):Hello dear new and returning players! Welcome, or welcome back to the game! I have compiled as many guides as I could find about the game in to one ultimate resource list for 2022. at level 1. 0. Reverse engineering is a process by which players break down crafted and sometimes other items into their basic components, returning some of the materials used, and giving them a chance to learn the schematic for an improved version of the item. WHAT ARE AUGMENTS. Rank 6 augments require level 17 and a MK-2 slot. Find out which mods to purchase from Hyde and Zeek in SWTOR on the Fleet to minimize your spending and optimize your build. 9 added Ossus and 252/258 main gear, but no new augments.